BETT 2022 and CareerBot – skills based AI service

EduExcellence Finland, the strategic alliance of Helsinki metropolitan universities of applied sciences, is participating in the global EdTech -fairs in London on March 23-25, 2022.

We are proudly presenting CareerBot. The artificial intelligence powered service that we have developed for our students. The students can verbalize their skills and create dream profiles for their future. With the skills profiles assisted with AI, they can search for the missing courses, RDI topics or theses trends and finally the matching jobs from the job market.

Here’s short intro video on the CareerBot:

In the BETT2022 -fairs we are represented by our experts Asko Mononen and Janne Kauttonen who are involved in the concepting and development of the CareerBot -project team with our Finnish technology partner Headai Ltd.

If you are interested in on our related publications, please start here:

Artificial Intelligence for Career Guidance – Current Requirements and Prospects for the Future, 2021

Adopting AI-enhanced chat for personalising student services in higher education, 2021

Mapping the Future Curriculum: Adopting Artificial Intelligence and Analytics in Forecasting Competence Needs, Ketamo, H., Moisio, M., Passi-Rauste, A. & Alamäki, A. (2019).

Sargiacomo, M.(eds.): Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Intangibles and Intellectual Capital ECIIC 2019, 24–25.5 Chieti-Pescara, Italy, ss. 144–153.


If you are interested in co-research, please contact:

Janne Kauttonen, [email protected]

and for commercial collaboration, please contact:

Asko Mononen, [email protected]